4 July 2018

On approval

Yeah, I think you're basically right.
I mean, I could bring things up for the sake of argument, but there is really nothing wrong with what you're saying.
It is quite all right as it is, to be fair.
We could look at the details of what you said and probably find some problems here and there in the exact argument, but it's no big deal really.
I think you should just follow through with it and it'll work out.
You did well overall.
It is a good idea.
I approve.
Just do it really.
It is not without its downsides, but, like, what is? I'm sure you thought it through well and are very conscious about potential ways it can go wrong, so if after that, you still think you should do it, I approve.
Really, it's all right.
Everything will be fine.
I approve.

1 comment:

  1. The "On" in the title of this post makes me question what perspective you're writing this from (e.g. do you generally approve of people doing things, is this what goes through your head when you approve of something, are you saying that approval is generally meaningless, etc.)

    I want to know what you're actually trying to say; I don't artistic things with multiple valid interpretations lol.
